Words by Emily Fisher
You should never feel guilty for doing what’s best for you in the present moment, and don’t let anyone change your mind on that. Students everywhere are going through a pretty tough time, whether you’ve just graduated, are half way through your degree or have just started your first year, all of us are still learning and getting to grips with the current situation. Changing paths can be such a great thing and I am a true believer of the saying, “everything happens for a reason”.
My name is Emily, I’m 23 and have just finished studying Beauty Promotion at Solent University in Southampton. I have been creating videos for my YouTube channel for over 5 years now and luckily, I am able to earn a part-time wage from this which has been super helpful and has given me a little bit more leeway when it comes to planning my future. At first, my heart was set on moving to Brighton once I had graduated because I am completely obsessed with the city, I then decided London would be a much better option for me career wise. Then, the pandemic happened. I had to move back home to Devon so abruptly, and my time at University was cut short (which I’m still mad about) and I’ve found myself on a completely different path, which I’m slowly learning is ok. I struggled at first moving back into my family home after experiencing so much freedom and personal space, but I knew it wouldn’t be forever, which helped me a lot. Now, a few months in, I have just found my dream flat in Exeter, a city close by, and I am moving in a couple of weeks which is incredibly exciting and something I didn’t expect to see in my future, but now it’s happening, I couldn’t imagine it any other way. Sometimes you have to take things day by day, and not look too far ahead.
My course covered all sorts, from PR and marketing to social media management and editorial writing, and the 3 years I spent studying Beauty Promotion really opened my eyes to a whole new industry that made me feel excited. I always wanted my career to be beauty based, however, that dream only seemed attainable if I made the big move to London. Since making the decision to stay in Devon for the foreseeable future, I am constantly battling with feelings of disappointment, failure and embarrassment which may sound ridiculous, however I think a lot of you reading this may be able to relate. One of the main reasons for going to University in the first place was for a change of scenery and to get away from my home-town. I never quite felt myself in Devon and I definitely did not feel as though I belonged, which is why I never planned on returning (except for the occasional visit to see my family). I’m happy to say that I’ve grown so much as a person and found myself over the last few years and thankfully, I have realised that it wasn’t Devon that was the problem…it was me. I met some wonderful people at University and made some great connections which will no-doubt help me in my future, but for now, I no longer feel the need to get away from my roots. I am excited to build a little life for myself here and I think the key message in all of this is to trust in the wait because I know that one day, I will move elsewhere and I will no longer have to put my plans on hold.
Pressing pause on your life and allowing yourself time to think, process and deal with your current situation is so important and can actually be a really positive thing, if you allow it to be. If you’re reading this and you find yourself in a similar situation to me, I want you to understand that putting your future plans on hold can be a positive thing, and you should never feel disappointed with yourself for something that is completely out of your control. Who knows what the future holds for any of us, but if this pandemic has taught us anything, it should be to enjoy life whilst we still have it and to not plan too far ahead. Enjoy today and stop worrying about tomorrow. I hope that sharing my experience with you all can calm any anxieties about your future and help you to understand that it may just be the best thing that’s ever happened, you don’t know what’s around the corner.
I never thought I’d say this, but boy am I happy to be home!
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