Graduating from university is a significant milestone that comes with a whirlwind of emotions. As new graduates step into the next chapter of their lives, conversations with well-meaning friends, family, and acquaintances can either be uplifting or inadvertently challenging. To foster a supportive and positive environment for recent graduates, it’s crucial to be mindful of the words we choose.
Here are five things you should never say to a graduate:
“What’s Your Plan Now?”
While it’s natural to be curious about a graduate’s future plans, this question can be overwhelming. Many graduates may still be figuring out their next steps, and the pressure to have a concrete plan can add unnecessary stress. Instead, ask about their interests and aspirations, allowing them to share their journey without feeling rushed.
“You Should Have Figured It Out by Now.”
Implying that a graduate should have their entire life mapped out post-graduation can be disheartening. Everyone’s journey is unique, and some may take more time to find their footing. Instead of making comparisons, offer words of encouragement and let them know that it’s okay not to have everything figured out immediately.
“Did You Get a Real Job Yet?”
The term “real job” can be misleading and diminish the value of a graduate’s efforts, whether they are pursuing further education, internships, or freelancing. Acknowledge the diversity of career paths and celebrate their achievements, irrespective of traditional expectations.
“You’ll Miss University Life.”
While reminiscing about the university experience is natural, projecting the idea that life after graduation will be less fulfilling can be disheartening. Graduates are embarking on a new and exciting chapter, and focusing on the positives of what lies ahead can instill confidence and excitement about the future.
“You’re Lucky You Even Have a Job.”
Implying that a graduate should be grateful simply for having a job can undermine their hard work and qualifications. Acknowledge their accomplishments and offer support as they navigate the challenges of starting their career. Encourage discussions about their achievements rather than overshadowing them with notions of luck.
Words hold immense power, especially during transitional periods like graduation. Being mindful of the impact our words can have on recent graduates is essential for fostering a supportive and encouraging environment. Instead of making assumptions or imposing expectations, let’s celebrate their achievements and offer a listening ear as they embark on this exciting journey.
A little empathy and positive encouragement go a long way.
Let’s uplift and support our graduates via this community!
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